Dr. W.E.B. Dubois believed that a tenth of the African American population could inspire the masses and move us to a place of economic empowerment during a time when there was a belief that we could only aspire to be part of a "skilled labor" force.  Over the years, a small, but mighty alumni force has remained dedicated to donating financial resources through our Legacy Campaign through the Talladega College National Alumni Association

Be Among the "Talented 10th"


How to Join the Talented 10th Campaign: 

(1) Register to Become a Fundaiser

(2) Join a TEAM:  Choose your alumni chapter so that your fundraising can be combined with friends.

(3) Send your fundraising page to friends and family

(4) Commit to an ambitious goal

- Personal Goal $500 = 20 Friends @ $25 

- Personal Goal $1000 = 20 Friends @ $50

- Personal Goal $2500 = 10 Friends @ $250 each


Imagine what we can to TOGETHER!



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